Special Educational Needs and Disability Awareness (SEND) Qualifications
- Level 2 Award in Dyslexia Awareness
- Level 3 Award in Supporting Learners with Dyslexia
- Level 3 Award in Supporting Children and Young People with Autism
- Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities
- Level 4 Certificate in Supporting the Learning of Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability
Improve awareness, knowledge and understanding of special educational needs and disabilities
Gateway Qualifications Level 2 Award in Dyslexia Awareness

This qualification has been developed to enable you to improve your knowledge and understanding of dyslexia, its characteristics, diagnosis and how dyslexia impacts on learning. You will identify a range of strategies for supporting people with dyslexia.
The qualification has 3 Credits and you will undertake around 24 hours of study. You will study through a workbook with email or phone support. You may also complete the work online.
Find available training dates on our events calendar and contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
Price per learner £175
Note: Prices may be reduced based on number of candidates
Before making any payments, contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
When you’ve received confirmation of your booking, pay £175 as one payment using the PayPal button
Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Award in Supporting Learners with Dyslexia
This qualification is appropriate for learners who support people with dyslexia and gives suggestions of how to create resources which will be useful in the classroom.
The qualification has 4 Credits and you will undertake around 28 hours of study. You will study through either face to face training or by distance learning with email and phone support.
Find available training dates on our events calendar and contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
Price per learner £200
Note: Prices may be reduced based on number of candidates
Before making any payments, contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
When you’ve received confirmation of your booking, pay £200 as one payment using the PayPal button
Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Award in Supporting Children and Young People with Autism

This qualification is intended to increase your capacity to support the learning of children and young people with autism, within your current job role. It may also provide a first step towards gaining a broad skill set relevant to working with children and young people with different types of support needs.
It is intended to provide continuous professional development (CPD) for both support and teaching staff who are responsible for facilitating the learning of children or young people with autism. Learners will gain an in-depth understanding of strategies that can be used to support the learning and development of children and young people with autism and the skills to apply some of these strategies in practice with a specific child or young person.
Find available training dates on our events calendar and contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
Price per learner £225
Note: Prices may be reduced based on number of candidates
Before making any payments, contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
When you’ve received confirmation of your booking, pay £225 as one payment using the PayPal button
TQUK Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities (RQF)
This qualification aims to develop knowledge and competence for individuals who:
– already work in Health and Social care but are new to learning disability services
– work in learning disability services and want a short qualification for CPD
– have a job role not exclusively focused around supporting individuals with learning disabilities, but have some contact and wish to develop relevant skills and knowledge
– are community and volunteer carers whose role includes contact with individuals with learning disabilities
– work as a teaching or learning support assistant with individuals with learning disabilities
– have other roles such as employment care adviser or palliative care professional and wish to develop their service to meet the needs of a wider range of service users
Learners must achieve a minimum of 23 credits: 12 credits from the mandatory units and a minimum of 11 credits from the optional units. The mandatory units are:
– Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities
– Support person-centred thinking and planning
– Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
There are a range of optional units including topics around positive risk taking, supporting learners with autism. Self-directed support, understanding mental health problems, understanding physical disabilities, promoting positive behaviour, advocacy, managing transitions into adulthood and using assistive technology.
Find available training dates on our events calendar and contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
Price per learner £600
Note: Prices may be reduced based on number of candidates
Before making any payments, contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
When you’ve received confirmation of your booking, pay £600 as one payment using the PayPal button
Gateway Qualifications Level 4 Certificate in Supporting the Learning of Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The Level 4 Certificate in Supporting the Learning of Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) qualification recognises the skills developed by experienced learning support professionals such as Higher Level Teaching Assistants and senior Learning Support Assistants who are both working with learners themselves and supporting other staff to provide effective support to learners with special educational needs and disability. It has been developed with the support of organisations supporting the professional development of teachers and learning support staff.
The objective of the qualification is to extend the skills of those involved in providing support to learners with SEND, in order to improve their own practice and help develop that of their colleagues. In order to enter for this qualification, learners must have considerable experience of supporting the learning of learners with SEND and be working in a role where they will be able to put into practice the skills that they are required to evidence for the qualification.
Successful learners may choose to progress to Level 4 Education and Training qualifications or to Higher Education. They may also progress to management roles within learning support. There are no direct relationships between this and other frameworks. However, the skills and knowledge covered are consistent with the requirements of the 2014 SEND Code of Practice.
The course is 30 credits and will take between 120 and 200 guided learning hours. There are 7 units and you will undertake a mixture of assessments including case studies, reports and practical assessments, some of which will be observed. You will also complete an action research project in a related subject which will be agreed with your assessor. You will have a taught session per unit, usually delivered one to one over Zoom or Teams.
Find available training dates on our events calendar and contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
Price per learner £850
Note: Prices may be reduced based on number of candidates
Before making any payments, contact us to book a place or find out more about the course.
When you’ve received confirmation of your booking, pay £850 as one payment using the PayPal button
More details can be found by visiting the Gateway Qualifications website.
Student recommendations and testimonials for our Special Educational Needs and Disability courses
The Level 4 Supporting the Learning of Learners with SEND has been valuable to my professional development and upskilling. It has provided me with a range of new strategies to support my learners with SEND and develop my practice.
MP attained the Level 4 Certificate in Supporting the Learning of Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability
Janet has had regular frequent meetings with me, giving me the knowledge to be able to complete each unit in a timely manner. Janet has been prompt in marking each of my units, to enable me to achieve and progress on the course, and has given me the encouragement and skills I have needed to complete the units to the best of my ability. It has been a pleasure having Janet as my tutor, she is personable, knowledgeable, friendly and supportive and I would recommend applying for this course, to anyone considering it.
JH studied the Level 4 Certificate in Supporting the Learning of Learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability